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#msdyn365bc - Teaching Tip.

Hi Readers, This Week We will spend some time with what's new in #Msdyn365bc 2021 Release Wave 1.  In this article we will understand about New Feature Teaching Tip. You would have visited websites / apps which walk you through apps to Teach you how to use app/website. Even at later stage you can use the Teaching Mode to get trained again if you didn't did those steps in initial stage.

#msdyn365bc - Bank Statement Import.

Hi Readers, This Week We will spend some time with what's new in #Msdyn365bc 2021 Release Wave 1.  In this article we will understand about Enhancement Bank Statement Import. Starting NAV 2017/2018 Microsoft have changed the Bank Statement Feature in Dynamics NAV.  I have seen so many developers struggling to setup Data Exchange Framework that is utilized for Bank Statement Import.

#msdyn365bc - Allowed Dimension Values.

Hi Readers, This Week We will spend some time with what's new in #Msdyn365bc 2021 Release Wave 1 .  In this article we will understand about Enhancements in Default Dimensions. Default Dimensions are part of the base functionality of the product for so many years.  With This change Microsoft tried to solve one of the feature that was requested by customers.

#msdyn365bc - A New Variant of OnInsert.

Hi Readers, In this article we will understand How our well Know On Insert Method is Changed. As the Product is changing there are changes in legacy Method. We should be aware about them and also utilize them if we have a scenario where its needed. A Product which is connected to outside world in a completely different way than in Past have to change/update the core.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Launch Event - Keynote Summary.

Hi Readers, I know I am super late writing about this.  If were not able to attend the Virtual Launch Event for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 1, then you will able to find some exciting changes that are announced during keynote. There are some exciting changes that are coming up in product starting May 1.  Microsoft is focusing on cloud first strategy and I am totally agree with the approach. 

Time to Say Good Bye to Dynamics NAV 2016.

Hi Readers, Every product which is released comes up with a Mainstream Support.  When the product is changing it also comes up with change in Release and Mainstream support End Dates. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 - [01/03/2016 to 04/13/2021]

#msdyn365bc - Add keys to Base Tables?

Hi Readers, I hope everyone would have heard about new feature   Partners can add keys (indexes) to base tables and table extension tables with Business Central 2021 Wave 1. Till now We were able to add keys in Table extension which have fields from the same table extension. In this article, we will understand what changed with Business Central 2021 Wave 1. #msdyn365bc