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MSDYN365BC - Futuristic CAL Development - UnBoxing Integration Event.

Hi Readers, Last article we subscribed an Integration Events. As promised in this post we will understand Integration Events in Base C/AL Code. If you are new to this series then Please Refer Table of Index . With this article, I will try to clarify all doubts and questions about Integration & Business Events. This will help Developers to develop new Publisher if require or subscribing published Events. Let's discuss that in details.

MSDYN365BC - Futuristic CAL Development - Customize Base Code 1.

Hi Readers, As discussed in the Last article, in this post we will continue with our Customer Requirements. If you are new to this series then Please Refer Table of Index . In this article, we will discuss about adding custom code in base objects and what is the Futuristic way of adding code.  In your customer are Pre-2018 then you can use Hooks for those instances.

MSDYN365BC - Futuristic CAL Development - What is allowed and What is Not?

Hi Readers, As discussed in the Last article, in this post we will discuss with What we can and cannot do to think Futuristic development and then continue with our Customer Requirements. If you are new to this series then Please Refer Table of Index. We cannot Modify, Change, Delete & comment any standard part in any object, but we can add new in few base objects. Read detailed of what limited modified we should do in Base Objects so that our code is Future Ready.

MSDYN365BC - Futuristic CAL Development - Tables and Fields.

Hi Readers, Are you Ready to start re-learn how to customize NAV? If you are new to this then Please Refer Table of Index . In this article, we will start working on the requirement and will also discuss What is allowed and what is not if you have to code in C/AL.

MSDYN365BC - What's New in Business Central April 2019 Release.

Hi Readers, If you haven't heard about it then this is the place to see a detailed overview of Microsoft releases new release notes for business central. This illustrates planned features for business central. All features listed below are planned to release between April and September 2019. So let's ride the time machine and see what's coming in Future. Microsoft is making investments in the platform to make it easier for ISVs to get into the cloud. Microsoft will achieve this by splitting the big application that we have today into a system app and an app on top of that as an extension, compiled in AL using Visual Studio Code.

MSDYN365BC - Error This AL extension version for Visual Studio Code cannot be used with the specified server.

Hi Readers, In this article, we will discuss about the latest error message that you may face in future. As most of you know I always try to keep my Business Central installation as latest as soon as its possible. With this Today I Installed two updates on my local machine - Installed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cumulative Update 03. Installed Visual Studio Code to With those updates installed, I started working on my next extension using Visual Studio Code. But when I Try to publish my extension Visual Studio Code generated below Error Message.

MSDYN365BC - How to Do Futuristic Development in CAL?

Hi Readers, As requested by multiple readers we will discuss in this article series about how to do Futuristic development. This is the first article in this series where we will take the example of a customer requirement and going forward we will develop that using CAL and will see the benefit of using Event Driven Programming in C/AL. I am considering this example as this capture all object types and also include base object changes.