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Highlights From Business central Virtual Event - Keynote.

Hi Readers,

If you were busy here are highlights of Business central Virtual Event.

If you get free Virtual Event is still available and you can watch is using this link

There are so many videos that have great information. I will surely try to write about other videos. This article we will talk about Keynote session.

There are 15 on-demand Sessions going into depth about Dynamics Business Central Wave 1.

Please Join me to welcome Mike Morton, New Dynamics 365 Business Central General Manager. I look forward to meet Mike in person after #Covid19 during Directions.

Let's Talk about Business Central Momentum -
  • 6000+ Customers in Business Central Online.
  • 750+ Apps in Appsource.
  • 1500+ Partners Selling Business Central.
  • 250+% User Growth in Business Central Online.
Performance - 
  • Business Central is Now 180% Faster to open page, 400% quicker to see layout and 17% faster to enter sales order.
Refer to see how should you use these best practice in your extensions.

Language and Availability - 
  • Languages - Business Central have more than 35 languages available as app in Appsource.
  • Global Availability - Business Central is now available in 43 Countries.

Client Enhancement 1 (Business Central 2020 Wave 1)
  1. Pages with Multiple List page are supported. Example - Look at Bank Account Reconciliation Page.
  2. You can Purchase Resource. One of the most customized feature that you would done for customers in Past.
  3. You Can Correct a Posted Sales Invoice. Yes that's old but now it will also reverse the quantities in Order if partially posted.
  4. On Shipment and Receipt you can now correct non item lines.
  5. Over Receipt is added with completely configurable option using Over Receipt Codes and approvals.
  6. You can configure Profiles and Export and Import Profiles. This will make it easy to export from Sandbox and Import to Production Tenant.

Client Enhancement 2 (Business Central 2020 Wave 1)
  1. During Personalization system will show you parts which were hidden earlier.
  2. Tree View is Back with Business Central 2020 Wave 1. 
  3. Table Information Page is Back from NAV.

Client Enhancement 3 (Business Central 2020 Wave 1) 
  1. You Microsoft Edge Collection Features to Save Pages that you want.
  2. You can now Bookmark Pages and Reports also that you use frequently.
  3. Printer Management, Now you can configure Cloud printer & Email Printer.
  4. Database Lock are back from NAV.
Developer Enhancement - 
  • Interfaces - A new family member in Business Central World.
    • A contract used to achieve abstraction. 
    • It Support Polymorphism and Codeunit are used to implement interfaces.
  • With Interfaces and Enums you can replace the base functionality.
    • Want try it - Use PriceCalcuation in Business Central 2020 Wave 1.

Admin Center Enhancement  - 
  • Set your notification for Major Updates. In future Microsoft will also update Partners about minor release.
  • Manage Apps - Will show you all extensions installed on customer tenant. [No PTE]
  • Manage Session - Will show you all active session. You can kill long running session.
  • Application Insight Key - Partners can key in Application Insight key and using this Microsoft will send telemetry to Application Insights in Azure.

Performance and Telemetry - 
  • Journal Line Posting is 40% faster. (as compared to last release of Business Central)
Refer You can see all signals send by Microsoft in this page for partners. Currently Microsoft is sending out 7 telemetry Signals that you can use to Monitor and Fix Issues.

You can also refer GitHub for sample examples for telemetry -

Environment Enhancement  
  • Database Limit is no longer 80 GB. Microsoft had added a new add-on SKU that provides additional storage capacity. 
  • SQL Compression - Approx. 50% size reduction.
  • Attachment in file storage - No Longer part of SQL Database. Will be moved to Azure Blob Storage. *Future Release.

Performance again - 
  • Server Side Report Rendering.
  • Direct Printing.
  • Report telemetry in AppInsights.
  • New parameters on Service tier to Limit a report execution time (Currently set it 12 Hrs.).
  • You can also cancel running report.

Data Migration (on-Prem to SaaS) - 

Now you can migration to Business Central 2020 Wave1 online from Business Central 14, Business Central 15 and Business Central 16 on-prem.

Moving Tables across extension. (**On Prem only)
Rules - 
  • Cannot Move, Merge or split table extensions.
  • Only additive schema changes in new tables.
  • Three Scenario - 
    • Move Down (Split extension into two).
    • Move up (Majorly upgrade from C/AL TO AL) and 
    • Move Across (Refactoring).

Roadmap 2020 Wave 2 (What's planned for Next Release - 2020 Wave 2) - 
  • Performance and Scale.
  • Streamlined Updates.
  • Additional Prod. Environment.
  • Improved and Shared Telemetry.
  • Service & Privacy.
  • Compliance.
  • Team Integration.
  • CDS Integration.
  • Enabling ISV.

All these changes are from Idea Page. 78 Ideas were delivered in last two Waves.

Planning for Directions -
  • EMEA               - October 7 - 9 Milan Italy.
  • ASIA                 - November 5 - 6 Bangkok Thailand.
  • North America  - December 1 - 4 Orlando
Partner now will now have access to to setup Tenant for Customer Demo. You can create tenant for a fixed time period for Demo.

Hope you liked the article.

If you want me to go deep in any of above listed area please put it as comment and I will cover that in future articles.

Saurav Dhyani


  1. Thank you for the information, Saurav. Hope we can connect on Linkedin. Regards

    1. Thanks for the comment and sure we will get connected on Linkedin.


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