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Delete Method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.

Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Delete Method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API. #msdyn365bc #delete #api #businesscentral This video is about the DELETE method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.  The DELETE method is used to delete existing records in Business Central.  The video starts with a quick recap of previous videos in the series, which covered GET, POST, and PATCH methods. Then explains the concept of DELETE and compares it to the DELETE function in AL code. To demonstrate the DELETE method, the speaker uses Postman to delete an existing sales order record.  Then this video explains the importance of setting the correct headers, including the Content-Type and If-Match headers. The speaker also shows how to use batch requests to delete multiple sales orders in a single request. Finally, the speaker summarizes the key points of the video and encourages viewers to like, share, and subscribe to the channel. Regards, Saurav Dhy

PATCH Method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.

Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about PATCH Method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API. #msdyn365bc #api #patch #businesscentral This video is about the PATCH method in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.  The PATCH method is used to modify existing records in Business Central.  The video starts with a quick recap of previous videos in the series, which covered GET, POST, and batch requests. The speaker then explains the concept of PATCH and compares it to the MODIFY function in AL code. To demonstrate the PATCH method, the speaker uses Postman to modify an existing item record.  Explains the importance of setting the correct headers, including the Content-Type and If-Match headers. The speaker also shows how to use batch requests to modify multiple items in a single request. Finally, we summarize the key points of the video and encourages viewers to like, share, and subscribe to the channel. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Batch Requests in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.

Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Batch Requests in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API. #msdyn365bc #api #batch  This video is about batch requests in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central API.  Batch requests allow you to combine multiple operations into a single request, which can improve performance.  The video covers the basics of batch requests, including the syntax and parameters.  It also demonstrates how to create a batch request to create multiple customers. Finally, the video discusses the limitations of batch requests, such as the maximum number of operations per request. Here are some key points from the video: Batch requests can be used to combine multiple operations into a single request. The maximum number of operations per batch request is 100. Batch requests can be used to create, update, or delete records. Batch requests can also be used to execute custom actions. Batch requests can improve performance by reducing the number of net

Unleashing the Potential of Bound API Actions in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.

 Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Unleashing the Potential of Bound API Actions in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central. This video is about bounded actions in Dynamics 365 Business Central APIs.  Bounded actions are a type of API action that allow you to perform specific actions on a particular data entity. For example, you can use a bounded action to create a sales order, post a sales order, or ship and invoice a sales order. To use a bounded action, you first need to get the ID of the record you want to perform the action on.  Then, you can use the POST HTTP method to call the bounded action. The URL for the POST request should include the ID of the record and the name of the bounded action. The video provides several examples of how to use bounded actions. Example, the speaker shows how to convert a sales quote to a sales order and then how to ship and invoice the sales order. Overall, this video is a good introduction to bounded actions in Dyna

Creating Records with Business Central API: Step-by-Step Guide for Post Method.

Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Creating Records using Business Central API's on-prem and online. This video is about how to use the POST method in Business Central APIs to create records.  the basics of using the POST method Demo how to use the POST method to create a customer record. How to use the POST method to create a sales order with multiple lines and dimensions.  How to handle validation errors that may occur when creating records. Tips for using the POST method effectively.  Using the GET method to understand the structure of the request body before creating records.  Suggests using the expand parameter to include related data in the request body. Overall, this video is a good resource for learning how to use the POST method in Business Central APIs. The speaker provides clear and concise explanations, and he demonstrates how to use the POST method in a variety of scenarios. Here are some key points from the video: The POST method

Expanding Data with $expand in Business Central APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

 Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about $expand parameter w.r.t Business Central API's on-prem and online. This video is about how to use the $expand parameter in Business Central APIs. First, we will go over the basics of using $expand, such as what it is and how it is used.  Then demonstrates how to -  use $expand to expand related records in a variety of scenarios. how to use filters with $expand. ' how to filter the expanded records based on specific criteria. other parameters that can be used with $expand - such as  $select,  $orderby,  $top,  $skip,  and $count.  how these parameters can be used to further customize the results of an API call. Overall, this video is a good resource for learning how to use $expand in Business Central APIs. The speaker provides clear and concise explanations, and he demonstrates how to use $expand in a variety of scenarios. Here are some key points from the video: $expand is used to expand related record

How Do I - Filter Your Business Central Api Data.

 Hi Readers, In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Filtration options for Business Central API's on-prem and online. This video is about how to filter data using Business Central APIs. We will go over -   the different comparison operators that are supported, such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, and less than.  Demo how to use these operators in Postman to filter data. Discusses logical operators, such as and and or.  Or operator can only be used with the same field. He also shows how to use a range of values to filter data. text-based operators, such as contains, starts with, and ends with.  The top, skip, and count parameters, which can be used to control the number of records that are returned. Overall, this video is a good resource for learning how to filter data using Business Central APIs.  key points from the video: You can use comparison operators to filter data based on specific values. You can use logical operators to combine multiple filt