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Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Get File Count from a Folder using Dotnet.

Hi All, Today I want to discuss a code re-write that I had to do on a recent project about file handling. Scenario - PDF will be saved in a shared path whenever a purchase invoice is printed. To Generate File Name we were using Purchase Invoice No. and then extending that with an integer. So if Purchase Invoice (PRO001) Report will be printed for the fifth time, the shared path will already have following files - PRO001-1.pdf PRO001-2.pdf PRO001-3.pdf PRO001-4.pdf And Next file name should be PRO001-5.pdf.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 - Email From NAV Part 3.

Hi Readers, Let's continue what we are discussing from Last two weeks. To understand the content of this article and use the pattern we are about to discuss in this article you need to go through old articles. If you haven't read the Part 1 and Part 2 below are the links for same. Part 1 - Send Email from Navision using a Pattern provided by Microsoft in New version. Part 2 - Develop a Word Layout for Sales Shipment Report. In this last article, we will discuss how to use the Pattern & Word Layout for sending an Email. The idea is Simple - Using word Layout for the Email Body and then use Email Pattern to send Email. Without Further Delay, let's discuss how we can configure & customize same in NAV 2017. Thanks to  Mohamed Zayed  and hope this solves your issue. ** What we are customizing is already part of standard NAV. The article is just for an explanation how to customize if required to be added in some other NAV areas.

Microsoft Dynamics Navision Cumulative Update Summary For Aug 2017.

Hi All, Microsoft Have Released Cumulative Update for Aug 2017. Please find below the details of Cumulative Updates Released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, NAV 2013 R2, NAV 2015, NAV 2016 & NAV 2017. Below are the Links to Download the Latest Cumulative Update.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 - Email From NAV Part 2.

Hi Readers, Continuing Email From NAV Part 1 . Today I would like to discuss a simple feature that Microsoft introduced in standard NAV for developing word Layout for a Report. We will use this article in next part. The Pattern in Developed and Enhanced from Microsoft starting NAV 2015. In today's article, we will discuss how to develop a simple word layout for Report - 208 Sales Shipment Report. Your comments are awaited for future articles.

Microsoft Dynamics Navision Cumulative Update Summary For May 2017.

Hi All, Microsoft Have Released Cumulative Update for May 2017. Please find below the details of Cumulative Updates Released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, NAV 2013 R2, NAV 2015, NAV 2016 & NAV 2017. Below are the Links to Download the Latest Cumulative Update.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 - Email From NAV Part 1.

Hi Readers, Today I would like to discuss a simple feature that Microsoft is working to be a part of standard NAV or I would say developed a Pattern for, but most of us are still using the old customizing ways which are hard as well as confusing to other developers. The Pattern in Developed and Enhanced from Microsoft starting NAV 2015. In today's article we will discuss how to use the pattern if we want to send an email from NAV and the in the future article we will discuss other enhancements which can be used instead of customizing NAV. The idea is Simple - Using base approach and Customize Less, Saves Cost to Customer and hassle for other developers. Your comments are awaited for future articles. ** This pattern is available from NAV 2015 onwards but for demo, we will be using in NAV 2017.

Microsoft Dynamics Navision Cumulative Update Summary For April 2017.

Hi All, Microsoft Have Released Cumulative Update for April 2017. Please find below the details of Cumulative Updates Released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, NAV 2013 R2, NAV 2015, NAV 2016 & NAV 2017. Below are the Links to Download the Latest Cumulative Update.