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Navision RTC Shortcuts vs Classic Shortcuts

Hi all, With new release of Role Tailored Client the major problem user & consultants faced is of the shortcuts. The shortcuts that we used till date for the classic client are behaving so wired when we try them on Role Tailored Client. Like Ctrl + F8 was used to zoom the line but nothing happens in Role Tailored Client. F3 was used to create a new record but cursor moves to filter field in Role Tailored Client. and many more. Yeah Ctrl + O still works in same way as it does in classic client. Now after release of NAV 7 / 2013 these shortcuts will not be used as classic client does not exist, so i started learning new shortcuts. While learning these shortcuts i figured out a pattern that these shortcuts are similar to that of any windows application. As for a new document we used Ctrl + N in Microsoft word and excel, new navision RTC shortcuts are similar to these. so lets study and make our work easy by learning these shortcuts. The list of shortcuts can be found

Download Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Beta...

Hi all, Just a quick update on NAV 7 / NAV 2013. Microsoft have launched what we all were waiting for. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Beta Is Ready For Download in Partner Source.  There are some localized version also available with worldwide (W1) Version. So, if you got a valid partner source login, go to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Beta Download Page and download the NAV 7 / NAV 2013 and start playing.  System requirements, Upgrade guide, what's new, and other documents are also available at above Link.

Navision Export To Excel with Merge Cell Function

Hi all, While developing reports in classic client with Export to Excel Enabled, client wants to have Header cell merged. This is mostly faced issue. Resolution - What i did is that i added a function in Excel Buffer table which merge specified cell. Function - PROCEDURE MergeRange(FromRow : Integer;FromCol : Integer;ToRow : Integer;ToCol : Integer); VAR   FromRec : Record 370;   ToRec : Record 370; BEGIN   FromRec.VALIDATE("Row No.",FromRow);   FromRec.VALIDATE("Column No.",FromCol);   ToRec.VALIDATE("Row No.",ToRow);   ToRec.VALIDATE("Column No.",ToCol);   XlWrkSht.Range(FromRec.xlColID + FromRec.xlRowID + ':' + ToRec.xlColID + ToRec.xlRowID).Merge; END;

VIEW SERVER STATE permission on SQL Server?

Hi all, Sometime While trying to Login into a database we face an error message as shown below. --------------------------- Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic --------------------------- You cannot start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic because you do not have the VIEW SERVER STATE permission on SQL Server. Contact your system administrator. --------------------------- OK    ---------------------------

Remove RTC Service Address Selection?

Hi all, while connecting to RTC and we have multiple services we find mutiple URL for the service to connect in the window of select server. Lets see how we can remove the list. Resolution - Once we try to connect to a particular service it get stored in the URLHistory key of the client user setting files which is stored in the "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60" . Delete the value from the URLHistory and yes that it, the list will be removed. I hope you will find the soultion usefull. Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

NAV 7 or NAV 2013 Videos

Hi all, NAV TechDays 2011 just ended. Don't worry if you haven't attended the same.  Please go to the link  for downloading videos and Presentation of NAV TechDays 2011.. List of Videos Available on mibuso - NAV TechDays 2011: Let's bring the RoleTailored Client to the next level (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Administrating NAV '7.0' with Windows PowerShell 2.0 NAV TechDays 2011: Administrating NAV '7.0' with Windows PowerShell 2.0 (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Opening Keynote (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Developer Tools in NAV '7.0' (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Reporting story in NAV '7.0' (Movie) RTC AddIn DragNDrop   Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Multiple RTC on Same Machine with Startup Error Resolved

Hi all, I was just thinking that there should an way that when we start an different RTC Client that is not installed in machine, we should not get an error. If you haven't read the post how to do it then go to the link . Why it happens - Role Tailored Client try's to pull up the last service that have been used successfully to connect. As in earlier post we created multiple services for multiple versions and every service is running. So how the RTC client will figure out which service to run when we click on shortcut of a particular version RTC.