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Showing posts with the label TBD

Run XMLPORT in Navision Before NAV 2013

Hi all, For Running a XML PORT in Navision Before NAV 2013, we can do that via a codeunit. Below is the sample of execution of Xml Port via a codeunit. Variables in Codeunit Name                                 DataType _Filev                                 File _DatafileOutstream                 OutStream Selection                                 Integer _DatafileInstream                 InStream

Either the caller does not have the required permission or the specified path is read-only.

Hi all, Sometime while trying to connect to Role tailored client we face an error message which says this - "Either the caller does not have the required permission or the specified path is read-only."

The Object File cannot be used with this version of the program.

Hi all, While exporting the objects in FOB format we sometime get the below error that says - "The Object File cannot be used with this version of the program."  I got this error while trying objects from NAV 2009 installed and trying to export the objects in FOB Format whereas the Text format export was working fine. After searching i found out that it was due to some exported objects of NAV 2013 lying at the same path. Once i removed those higher version FOB files from the location i was able to take backup on that location. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Debugging in NAV 2009,2009SP1 & NAV2009R2 RTC Client

Hi all, With the new client version of Navision the debugging process have also been changed. This post contain details of NAV 2009, NAV 2009 SP1 and NAV 2009 R2 RTC Client. First step is to Stop the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Service. Then we  need to don EnableDebugging in CustomSettings.config found here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service. Now start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Service. Now we have debugging enabled. Now start the RoleTailored client. This will take a bit longer to start up, because C# files are generated for each of the objects. (Pages, Codeunits, Reports etc.) - .cs files will be created. In this example I will make a codeunit with a simple message and add this to an action on the Customer list. Create a Codeunit. Ex. 50000 OnRun trigger place the following code: MESSAGE ('Debug test') Save and compile Codeunit 50000. Now let us add this codeunit to a action. Design page 22 and navigate to

Debugging in Nav 2009 R2 and Earlier Version of Classic Client.

Hi all, As most of us know that due to changes in version there has been changes in Debugging Process of Navision Processes. Let's start with the Orignal Debugging version of Navision i.e Debugging in classic client. In classic client the debugger was present in the classic client window itself under Tools Sections. Here are some screenshot of the debugger in classic client -

SQL Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation'

Hi all, While Restoring a SQL Backup from SQL Server Management Studio sometime we get an error as shown below - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'C:\Program Files\SQL\Databases\\TestDB_2012_10.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) Cause of Error we typed the name incorrectly during the file name creation in Restore Operation. Resolution  - Check out the file name in Option tab of Restore Database window. You would have put two \\ instead of one while specifying the path where file should get created. Below is the image of what i did - Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Error: 5133 SQL Server while attaching the Database

Hi all, One of my friend reported an error while trying to attached a database received from client to SQL SERVER 2008 R2. The database received have only two files one is .mdf & second one is .ndf. while attaching database to the server he was getting below error - TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Attach database failed for Server 'XXX-XX--XX'.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) For help, click: ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ Directory lookup for the file "G:\SQLLOG\NAV_D_CQPA_370B_Log.ldf" fa

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client has stopped working..

Hi all, some time we face issues when RTC Client Crashes. There can be multiple issues for the same. below is the screen shot for same. The Event Viewer Details for the Error is -.NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting. EventType clr20r3, P1 microsoft.dynamics.nav.client, P2, P3 4d030e65, P4 microsoft.dynamics.nav.client.ui, P5, P6 4d030e5c, P7 74e, P8 69, P9 k0r55xemoobpb22dbjzdn4p0sfjo3u25, P10 NIL. Below is the error message for same. Generally these issues comes due to issues in Role Center Pages in Navision 2009 and later. You can filter objects by using filter @*Role* in Pages. Below is the List of Pages in NAV 2009 SP1 IN Database. Case 1 - When the values in cues is negative. Then due to having a negative value in integer field crashes the client. These tables can be found by filtering tables in NAV 2009 & later by @*cue*. Below is the List of Tables in NAV 2009 SP1 IN Database. Most of the fields in these tables are flowfield, if by a

How to Disable ESC Key in Navision Classic

Hi all, Sometime User want to force the user to click on the Cancel button instead of pushing the Esc key. This can be done From in Navision from Tools Menu in Navision Menu and select Options. There is an option Close Forms On Esc which is by default set to YES, set it to No. Refer to screen below. This option will set the ESC Disabled for all objects. If we want to customize this for a specific form follow steps below - 1. In the form declare a Boolean variable i.e. OverwriteEsc. 2. Set the Cancel property of the Cancelbutton to No 3. In the OnPush trigger of the Cancel button and Ok button: OverwriteEsc := TRUE; 4. In the OnQueryClose Trigger of the form: EXIT(OverwriteEsc); Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Restore a Database In SQL Server Managment Studio.

Hi all, Most of us are aware with Navision Backup but at the same time unaware of SQL Server Backup. So lets discuss how to restore a SQL Database backup. Let see the steps how to restore a SQL Server Database Backup.

Error 3154 - The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database.

Hi all, While Restoring Database on SQL Server Management Studio, some of us encounter an error i.e Error 3154- "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database". Resolution for the error After selecting the database backup, goto option Tab from the Left Hand Side Menu and click on First Restore Option i.e Overwrite the existing database(WITH REPLACE) as shown in screen below. * Make sure that there is no database file exist at the path mentioned in RESTORE the database file as section  with same file name otherwise it will replace those files. For Reading How to Restore a database from scratch in SQL Server Managment Studio, read article here . Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Table xxx is Locked by User XXX.

Hi all, Sometime client face issues while posting transaction that Table is Locked by a particular User. Yes, i know that if a user is Performing a huge transaction then it happens and we can identify that from File - Database - Information - Session Tab. Here we can get the User Name in Blocking User ID Field. But what if the Blocking user id is BLANK . What can be the reason of the Locking message that client users are getting?

Could not connect to the SQL database. (-2147467259 master ). This can be caused by insufficient permissions. Indirect permissions through Windows group memberships may not work as expected when User Account Control (UAC) is turned on.

Hi all, During Installation of NAV 2009 & Later, sometime we come across an error which says - Could not connect to the SQL database.  (-2147467259   master      ). This can be caused by insufficient permissions. Indirect permissions through Windows group memberships may not work as expected when User Account Control (UAC) is turned on. This error can be occured due to multile Reasons, so there are mutiple resoultion for the same. Resolutions - 1) Did u Run installer as Administrator (If Operating system is Windows 7)?     If not then try intalling using Run as Administrator. 2) Go to services.msc from RUN and check that SQL Server service is running or not. If not start the service and try intalling again. 3) Your Windows does not have sufficient priviledges on the SQL Server. Set up your account with the sysadm server role. Note, that you cannot rely on indirect permissions through Windows group memberships when Vista User Access Control (UAC) is turned on. T

NAV Report Export to Excel Number as Text

Hi all, While adding export to excel functionality into Reports sometime we face issues while sending numbers with Leading Zeros to excel. In My case customer wanted to export a Report to Excel. Report have first field as Item Number which have Leading Zeros. I created the report and below is the diffrence between excel and Navision Data. The issue at this point is that Leading Zero in Item No. have been skipped. Reason- Excel formatted the cell as integer, while formatting as intger excel removes leading zeros. Beacuse a number starts with zero dosen't make any sense. Resoultion- After seraching through blogs and articles i figurred out a soultion so that excel formats the cell as text not as integer. The solution is simple just to add four single quotes ('''') for the field which you want excel to format as text not as intger. Sample - EnterCell(Row, Column, '''' + "No.", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); OR ExcelBuffer.Add

Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC The type 'Option' is unsupported for the min/max validation rule.

Hi all, After an upgrade to NAV 2009 RTC from classic client, a client locked an wiered issue. While accessing a page from Role center client he was getting the error message "The type 'Option' is unsupported for the min/max validation rule".  I checked the page, complied the page but no luck. I checked the tables too that there might be an option field as the message says something about option but no luck.I was not getting the resolution, so i started deleting the fields from page and i identified the field which was giving error. To my surprise it was a Option type of field. I went to properties and identified that the min value for the field have been set to Ship. I don't know why but when i cleared these two values from field properties, the page started working. Resolution - 1) Check the properties of Option Type Field In Table. 2) Check the fields in source table and remove the min & Max value for fields. 3) Remove the values

Navision RTC Shortcuts vs Classic Shortcuts

Hi all, With new release of Role Tailored Client the major problem user & consultants faced is of the shortcuts. The shortcuts that we used till date for the classic client are behaving so wired when we try them on Role Tailored Client. Like Ctrl + F8 was used to zoom the line but nothing happens in Role Tailored Client. F3 was used to create a new record but cursor moves to filter field in Role Tailored Client. and many more. Yeah Ctrl + O still works in same way as it does in classic client. Now after release of NAV 7 / 2013 these shortcuts will not be used as classic client does not exist, so i started learning new shortcuts. While learning these shortcuts i figured out a pattern that these shortcuts are similar to that of any windows application. As for a new document we used Ctrl + N in Microsoft word and excel, new navision RTC shortcuts are similar to these. so lets study and make our work easy by learning these shortcuts. The list of shortcuts can be found

Navision Export To Excel with Merge Cell Function

Hi all, While developing reports in classic client with Export to Excel Enabled, client wants to have Header cell merged. This is mostly faced issue. Resolution - What i did is that i added a function in Excel Buffer table which merge specified cell. Function - PROCEDURE MergeRange(FromRow : Integer;FromCol : Integer;ToRow : Integer;ToCol : Integer); VAR   FromRec : Record 370;   ToRec : Record 370; BEGIN   FromRec.VALIDATE("Row No.",FromRow);   FromRec.VALIDATE("Column No.",FromCol);   ToRec.VALIDATE("Row No.",ToRow);   ToRec.VALIDATE("Column No.",ToCol);   XlWrkSht.Range(FromRec.xlColID + FromRec.xlRowID + ':' + ToRec.xlColID + ToRec.xlRowID).Merge; END;

VIEW SERVER STATE permission on SQL Server?

Hi all, Sometime While trying to Login into a database we face an error message as shown below. --------------------------- Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic --------------------------- You cannot start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic because you do not have the VIEW SERVER STATE permission on SQL Server. Contact your system administrator. --------------------------- OK    ---------------------------

Remove RTC Service Address Selection?

Hi all, while connecting to RTC and we have multiple services we find mutiple URL for the service to connect in the window of select server. Lets see how we can remove the list. Resolution - Once we try to connect to a particular service it get stored in the URLHistory key of the client user setting files which is stored in the "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60" . Delete the value from the URLHistory and yes that it, the list will be removed. I hope you will find the soultion usefull. Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani

NAV 7 or NAV 2013 Videos

Hi all, NAV TechDays 2011 just ended. Don't worry if you haven't attended the same.  Please go to the link  for downloading videos and Presentation of NAV TechDays 2011.. List of Videos Available on mibuso - NAV TechDays 2011: Let's bring the RoleTailored Client to the next level (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Administrating NAV '7.0' with Windows PowerShell 2.0 NAV TechDays 2011: Administrating NAV '7.0' with Windows PowerShell 2.0 (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Opening Keynote (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Developer Tools in NAV '7.0' (Movie) NAV TechDays 2011: Reporting story in NAV '7.0' (Movie) RTC AddIn DragNDrop   Thanks & Regards, Saurav Dhyani