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Showing posts with the label BC21-BC23

#msdyn365bc Mastering Your Data: Tips for Syncing Master Data.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about Master Data Managment.  Master Data Management is used to keep data in companies sync from Parent company.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc Defining Regional Settings per Report with the Region Property.

Hi Readers, Report Output values are generated based on Regional Settings set by developers while designing reports.  In this article we will discuss about new features where there are more options than developers to set Regional Settings while a report is executed. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Customizing the Action Bar on Document Lines for Enhanced Efficiency.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about How to customize the action bar on document lines in #msdyn365bc.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Avoid document number errors when you post item journals.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss how to avoid document No. error while posting item journal.  Demo Video :  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc Allow Debugging in Business Central.

Hi Readers, There are certain areas in business central, which cannot be debugged. In this article we will discuss about what is allowed for debugging in business central and how you can save your secret code while writing business central AppSource extension.  This video describes regarding Allow Debugging in Business Central.  Video covers -  Resource Exposure Policy. Debug Console. NonDebuggable Attributes. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc - Debugging in Business Central for Beginners.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about debugging with Business Central.  This video describes regarding debugging for dummies.  Video covers -  Setting Required for Debugging in #msdyn365bc. Attach Profile. Debugging Setting for launch.json. Variables. Watch. Call Stack. Debugger Window. Setting up Debugger Point. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

A Beginner's Guide to Creating JSON Files in #msdyn365bc.

 Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about How to write a Json file in #msdyn365bc.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc: Creating Custom Email Subject.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about How to modify Email Subject.  Video covers -  Identifying event to customize Email Subject Line. Subscribe the event to customize Email Subject.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Mastering Object Prefixes in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about why object and field prefix are mandatory in business central.  This video also covers what is the right way to setup prefix in business central extension.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

What is opened in my #msdyn365bc Browser Tab.

Hi Readers, With latest version of business central you get more details about the tab in the browser.  The browser provides details of page that is opened.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

Simplify Navigation: Share Readable Deep Links in #msdyn365bc to Pages and Records.

Hi Readers, With Business Central #msdyn365bc, sharing links is getting better day by day. With latest release links are shared with a great and meaningful text, as discussed in below video.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc - Using Different GL Accounts for Payables and Receivables.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about new feature to use different G/L Account for Payables and Receivables.  This video describes how to use this feature in business central #msdyn365bc.  Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc - Setting New Output Folder for AL Project Build Files.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about how to save AL Extensions app files in a different folder.  This video describes regarding How to change the default path to generate AL app files for the build process of AL Extension. By default, Extension (app) file is generated in the same path where extension is stored. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc - IntelliSense Smarter Method Signature Recommendations.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about how IntelliSense is getting smarter with every release.   With Every version #intellisense is getting smarter day by day. With latest release the signature is getting updated. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc 2023 Release Wave 2 - 126th #bcopendiscussion.

 Hi Readers, During 126'th #bcopendiscussion we discussed about following topics. Video covers -  We explore a range of topics, including: Use different general ledger accounts for payables, receivables. Supporting more countries and regions. Iceland localization app - delocalization. Use the built-in rich text editor to enter data. Add a new FieldGroup to an existing table. Get inlay hints in source editor for AL method parameters and return types. Hover over label variable to see text string value. Set new output folder setting for storing app files at AL project build. Get smarter method signature recommendations in IntelliSense. Segment AL code and reduce naming conflicts with namespaces. Show list of keys while working on AL code. Distinguish between browser tabs when multitasking. Share readable deep links to pages and records. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc Automatically update AppSource apps with minor updates.

HI Readers, As Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2 Preview is announced.  In this series we will discuss all features in detail.  In this article we will discuss regarding - Automatically update AppSource apps with minor updates. With this feature - You already can update individual apps from the App Management page in the Business Central admin center or wait for your environment to receive a major update that will automatically update AppSource. In 2023 release wave 2, Microsoft introducing an environment-level setting that automatically updates all installed apps with every minor update , and lets you schedule individual app updates to take place during the environment's update window. Opt in to automatically update apps installed on your environment with each minor update to the environment. This way, you can always enjoy the latest features and bug fixes from the app developers without any manual intervention. Schedule individual app updates to run in the first upcoming...

Installation - BC23 Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

Hi Reader, As Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2 (BC23) is released. In this video we will go through installation of Business Central. Hope you learned something. Please Share your feedback as comment to this article / video. Regards, Saurav Dhyani

#msdyn365bc 2023 Release Wave 2 - Open Visual Studio Code from web client to investigate or troubleshoot extensions.

HI Readers, As Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2 Preview is announced.  In this series we will discuss all features in detail.  In this article we will discuss regarding - Open Visual Studio Code from web client to investigate or troubleshoot extensions. With this feature - As a developer or consultant, you can open a new Visual Studio Code session from within the web client for a specific customer production or sandbox environment.  Two different contexts will be supported: Open a page from within the Page Inspector or troubleshoot the current session from within the Help and Support page. If Visual Studio Code is already open, the last active session will be used; otherwise, a new Visual Studio Code will open. If the AL Language extension isn't installed, the user will be asked to install it, and the process ends. The user will be asked if they want to investigate, or debug sandbox or production. A new project will be created, and a matching launch configuration will...

Cracking the Code: Fixing the Posting Date vs. Document Date Relationship in #msdyn365bc.

 Hi Readers, As Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2 Preview is announced.  In this series we will discuss all features in detail.  In this article we will discuss regarding -  Posting Date vs. Document Date Relationship. With this feature - The Document Date must align with the date on the sales invoice that you sent to the customer, or with the date on the purchase invoice that you received from your vendor, so that Business Central can correctly calculate finance charges and the amount due. The Posting Date shows when a document was registered in Business Central. Many accounting standards and regulations require businesses to accurately record and report financial transactions based on the date they occurred. Depending on your business processes, these dates might not be the same. To give you the flexibility you need, the Link Doc. Date to Posting Date setting on the Sales & Receivables Setup and Purchases & Payables Setup pages lets you configure your sa...

Unlocking Data Secrets: Simplifying Key Discovery in #msdyn365bc tables.

 Hi Readers, As Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2 Preview is announced.  In this series we will discuss all features in detail.  In this article we will discuss regarding -  Simplifying Key Discovery in #msdyn365bc tables. With this feature - AL methods accepting keys, such as SetCurrentKey(), now have IntelliSense listing key parameters that are available. Until now it has only shown the list of fields. Note that IntelliSense still suggests table fields, in case the developer wants to just perform sorting on specific fields. Keys are only suggested for the first parameter; subsequent parameters just suggest fields. Microsoft Article. Demo Video -  Let me know your views in comment to this article. Regards, Saurav Dhyani